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a processual approach to forming with unruly matter

This research focuses on exploring the design potential of bacterial-induced biomineralisation. A process that sits within the speculations regarding our changing relationship with nature through engineered biological systems and new material processes. In this convergence of design and biological fabrication, the role of the designer is shifting from sculptor to assuming the perspective of the cultivator in the study and production of these new material assemblages. 

The project represents ongoing research on assemblages of biologically fabricated matter. The research concentrates on the structuring of a biofabrication process whose purpose is to form a microbial induced mineralised structure. It explores material- and fabrication methods that incorporate living cells as an inherent part of its process and outlines parameters that facilitate the synthesis of the biomaterial. This experimental process of biomineralisation through careful crafting of compositions can potentially lead to shaping living matter through template-guided bacterial mineralisation. The aim here is to utilise this induced mineral material and demonstrate the different ways the design paradigm can potentially sculpt living matter and inherently evolve our relationship with biological design in new ways.

PhD research in creative practice at Newcastle University: School of Architecture, Planning & Landscaping 

Thesis Supervisors : 

Prof. Martyn Dade-Robertson & Dr. Helen Mitrani


​(2022) Developing bio titles from sand and bacteria. Interview in Frettabladid

(2022) Bacterial Builders: Microorganisms as designers and Fabricators of our Built Environment in Rumoer 79. Bio-Based Issue. pp.66-72.

(2021) Turbulent Casting Bacterial Expression in Mineralized Structures. Proceedings from ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities conference. 

(2021) Bacterial Sculpting as part of Can We Grow a Building Exhibit. Exhibited at the 17th Venice Biennale in the CityX Venice Italian Virtual Pavilion 9 & 10 exhibitions. (May 22nd - 21st of November). 

(2020) Turbulent Casting Bacterial Expression in Mineralized Structures. Presented at ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities conference. 

(2020) Bacterial Choreography: Designing Interactions through Biological Induced Mineralisation. Remote conference presentation at the 1st International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology in Construction Materials and Geotechnical Engineering. Nanjing, China.

(2019) Approach to Biologically Made Materials and Advanced Fabrication Practices. Conference proceedings in the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Architectural Design (ICETAD2019). 

(2019) Exhibited at Global Community Biosummit. MIT Media Lab, Boston, USA. (October 11-13).

(2019) Bacterial Sculpting as part of Yggdrasil. Exhibited at the Biodesign: Here Now. London Design Festival 2019. OpenCell, London. (September 19-22).

(2019). Bacterial Choreography: Designing interactions through biological induced mineralization. Poster presentation at BIOMIN XV 15th International Symposium on Biomineralization. Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany.  - Awarded Best Poster.


(2019). Bacterial Sculpting: Process-oriented approach to biologically induced materials and advanced fabrication practices. Poster presentation at the Designer Biology Symposium. School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University. 

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